
Preparatory -III

The Preparatory school program creates a dynamic learning environment with spaces to stimulate curiosity in the learners. They are constantly engaged in observations, questioning, and probing– dwelling deeper into concepts. A conscious effort is made to imbibe the inquiry approach in our curriculum. Using appropriate learning contexts, tools of inquiry, multiple ways of assessing the child’s progress, and helping a child to become an independent learner are some of the focus areas. Our curriculum is aligned to the NCERT framework and assessments are integrated into the teaching-learning process.

Using appropriate learning contexts, tools of queries, multiple ways of evaluating the child’s development, and assisting a child to become an independent and self-reliant learner are some of the focus areas. Our curriculum is aligned with the NCERT framework and assessments are integrated with the teaching-learning pedagogical approach.


In the Primary classes, the mathematical concepts and experiences that the child has acquired in the Preprimary will be consolidated. The focus of learning is on – developing number sense, spatial sense, recognize patterns, and gradually rise to attend the problems with algorithm and abstraction. Teachers will emphasize the mathematical process which will help the child to imbibe the concepts using concrete materials, problem-solving with real–life stories, reasoning, reflecting, connecting, selecting appropriate computational tools, strategies, and using mathematical vocabulary. 

Language Teaching
The primary goal of our Language program is to provide a language-rich environment inside and outside the classroom, to build up familiarity with the English and Hindi languages through meaningful interaction, to expose our children to a wide range of texts and literary genres, and to appreciate of language. Drama and theatre are used as effective tools to initiate student participation and to foster effective use of language.

Environmental Studies
Our environmental studies program provides a dynamic framework through which the child will be able to explore concepts and learn skills. The curriculum has extended the scope for creating a thinking classroom where children will be engaged with a variety of activities and challenges. Activities and experiments include a wide range of skills such as, observation and recording, sorting, reasoning, researching, and learning to work together in a team. Appropriate field trips have been incorporated to enhance the scope for experiential learning.

IT Education
The IT curriculum has been specifically designed to enhance skills that will support students in creating, researching, inferring, and applying in their academic learning.


Co–scholastic Domains
An integral part of the curriculum, all students participate in the domains of art, music, dance, theatre, and physical education. Through these spaces self–confidence, cultural appreciation, and skills of teamwork and leadership qualities are enhanced.

Art Education
Art education is perceived as a tool for the development of aesthetic sensibility and students are exposed to multiple art forms, techniques, and art appreciation. A wide range of experiences is provided to our students through drawing, painting, clay work, calligraphy, and craftwork.

Music and Dance Education
The music curriculum exposes all students to the basic elements of both vocal and instrumental. The sense of melody and rhythm is enhanced and students are encouraged to participate and appreciate the different genres of music. Through the teaching of dance, students learn the skills of body coordination, expression, appreciation, sense of rhythm, participation, and develop cultural sensitivity.

Physical Education
The physical education program plays an important role in the student’s overall development. Students are given opportunities in both indoor and outdoor games along with athletics. The focus is on developing skills of agility, balance, and stamina in the primary classes. 

The process of evaluation is comprehensive and continuous in both scholastic and co-scholastic domains. The evaluation helps in supporting the teaching-learning process and meeting learning objectives. ' Assessments are conducted for feedback and to support learning aimed at creating reflective teachers and learners.'

At Xavier’sthe scholastic domains are integrated with co-scholastic domains for better understanding. 

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